Frequently Asked Questions

​How do I schedule an appointment?
You can schedule your appointment by visiting the Book Your Experience buttons on the site. Your appointment will be secured with deposit and you will receive confirmation.

What time should I arrive for my appointment?
Please plan to arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment to ensure that your appointment starts and ends on time so my daily schedule may stay intact.

What do I do if I need to cancel my appointment?
To provide adequate notice and to allow other clients the opportunity to book appointments, we ask that you cancel your appointment at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment to avoid losing your deposit. All no-show appointments will be charged at full value.

What if I need to re-schedule my appointment?
If you need to re-schedule, please reschedule on our booking page at least 48 hours in advance to allow another person the opportunity to reserve your time slot.

May I bring a guest or individual who does not have a scheduled appointment to the salon with me during my scheduled appointment?
Due to space limitations, please refrain from bringing guests or individuals who do not have a scheduled appointment.

What can I expect during my appointment?
You will receive a brief consultation prior to your service to best understand your goals and preferences and can make recommendations if appropriate.

Do I need to bring anything to my appointment?
In most cases, you don’t need to bring anything. It never hurts to bring a list of the products that you use, your hair history, and your hair goals. There is no need to "prep" your hair, but please note that if your hair has excessive scalp/product buildup or your hair has excessive tangles/knots, you will be assessed a deep cleansing and/or detangle service fee.

Does your salon take walk-ins?
Currently, we do not accept walk-ins.


II am a natural that doesn’t like to do my own hair. Are there options for me?
Yes! Whether you prefer wearing wigs or any other type of protective style, you can schedule the appointment frequency that works best with your schedule in our booking system.

Detangling is a nightmare for me! Should it be painful when I get my hair detangled? Will you show me how to detangle my hair?
There should be no pain when detangling and it should not be a task that takes up a lot of time. The exception to the rule is when hair is excessively tangled. If additional detangling is required, a detangling fee will be added to your ticket upon checkout.

Should I tell Ambi about any medications or conditions?
Yes! Please inform Ambi of any medications that you may be taking or any condition that you may have as either may interfere with your service or hair care regimen that will be created for you.


What are your current prices for servicing?
Please click the Book Now tab to review our Service Menu for pricing details.

Are the prices listed on the Service Menu the same for children?
Yes and No. If your child is between the ages of 10-12 years old and you would like to book natural braids/twists please select the service listed under “Kids Braids (or twists)”. If you would like to book a silk press service for a child, that can be booked under the regular silk press service.